Saturday, January 26, 2013

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was little, I wanted to be a mommy.  That pretty much stayed with me always but in the back of my mind there were other things I wanted.  When I was in third grade I wanted to be a nurse.  I pretty much stuck with that until I was a Candy Stripe volunteer the summer before my Junior year.  Suddenly I realized they did the dirty work and I knew that was not for me.  So I changed my mind to an airline stewardess.  I had applied to United and even been accepted to their program when I met Clyde.  It became a moot point when I chose marriage over a career.  You could not be married and a flight attendant in those days - so it was either Clyde or United.  I chose Clyde.

I thought that being an elementary school teacher might be nice until I substituted for 5 years.  Then I decided I would rather teach High School.  I came within 1 year of that dream and we moved to Utah. Family came first right then and I am glad it did.  I needed to be a mom and wife at that time.  It paid off with closer relationships with my daughters and a better marriage with my husband.

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