Sunday, November 18, 2012

Today I am Thankful for the Sabbath Day

It has been interesting that for the last 9+ years, Clyde and I have always been out the door for Church by 8:00 a.m.  He has had meetings every Sunday to attend and when he became bishop, we left every other week by 7.  This will be the first week since I moved here that we will be going just before Sacrament Meeting (which starts at 10:00).  It feels odd to have the morning to get things done.  I am kind of at loose ends.  I woke up at 6 - like I always do and almost jumped up because I knew I was running late.  Turns out, I have all the time in the world.  

There was a time, when I had all 4 girls and they were very small, when Sunday was not my favorite day of the week.  It was hard work to get the girls to Church and at the time Clyde had stake callings and was never around.  This was particularly difficult when we lived in North Carolina and I had to handle things alone.  That made for rough Sacrament Meetings but somehow I made it through.  It's funny but it never occurred to me not to attend Church.  I see some of the young mothers and ask them why didn't attend last week or missed for several and quite often it is because their husband wasn't there to help them.  I would solicit the help of one of the Young Women from the ward when I had babies that needed to be taken out.  They helped with the others in the pew or even take the baby if I had weaned her.  It worked out well for me.  

Now I look forward to Sundays.  It is a day of learning, feeling the Spirit and also has become a day of service.  You can't ask for a better combination than that.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

Some Sunday's are better than others and there are moments.