Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today I am Thankful for the Opportunity to Vote

In this wonderful country of ours, we are able to cast our vote for people to run the country, state, county and city.  We have the right to vote on whether we will have clean water or schools worthy of our children's attendance.  We are, in fact, faced with all sorts of things to cast our ballot on.  But we have that amazing right.  The media sometimes makes it sound like only a few people count in certain areas but every vote counts.  The reason that those states work so well in elections is that so many people vote for the presidential elections.  We could throw those statistics on their ear if we all cast a ballot - no matter what state we lived in.  Whose to say that Wyoming or Nebraska couldn't be pivotal states if they wanted to be?  We don't  have to cater or believe the media.  We each need to vote according to our heart and be proud we have this God given right.  I have voted - have you?

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