Sunday, November 11, 2012

Today I am Thankful for Our Veterans

Today is Veteran's Day.  Ordinarily this holiday is celebrated on the day but most activities will be tomorrow because the date fell on a Sunday.  I am so grateful for our long history of veterans.

I grew up an Army BRAT.  My father was an Army Surgeon.  Because of my military upbringing, I have had some amazing experiences and met amazing people.  

Clyde's family have had people in the military since the Civil War.  His Greatgrandfather was what would be a medic in the Civil War.  He didn't receive his MD until after the Civil War.  Clyde still has his medical book.  

Clyde' grandfather served in WWI as an ambulance driver.  Clyde's father served on the air fields in the US during WWII.  Clyde served during the Viet Nam era - in fact that is how we met.

Our legacy goes on in our son-in-law, Brandon Nordell.  He is currently serving in the Air Force.  Our strength and allegiance to the military is alive and well in this family.

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