Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Interesting Day

We did 18 books today.  We did 12 before noon.  Granted they were less than 100 pages but nonetheless - we plowed through our pile.  Things will slow down now as we get into bigger books.

I have noticed since Copenhagen's shootings that women that always wore burka's are not anymore.  I don't know if this is a short term decision or for the long haul.  Some still do but most that I see on a daily basis are not.

I was reading 'Historie' magazine today and looking for an article on Moses.  As I was flipping through I found a small article on the Pueblo Crew as POW's in North Korea in 1968.  I took the article and showed it to Mads and Lars.  I explained that our son-in-law read the commendation at Dad's funeral for his involvement in the repatriation of the crew.  He was given the commendation along with the Bronze star.  Lars said that his dad joined the Civil Defense patrol because he refused to kill anyone in the late 60's (We had small forces of Danish soldiers helping us in Viet Nam).  He was recognized for camouflaging a tank with daisies and dandelions.  Lars sad, "Obviously your father is a much greater man than my father will ever be."  I said, "He is a much greater person than any of us will be."  Lars loved that.

On the way home from work we saw a bus of police.  Then we saw 2 vans with police lined up to get their automatic weapons.  2 more vans with police all decked out and holding their weapons.  Police on the street walking with their weapons in their hands - not on their back.  Then just as we pulled into the train station, there was a bus and a van with military personnel and their guns in hand.  Don't know what was going down but aside from this observation - we are safe and know nothing else.

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