Friday, February 20, 2015

A Dreary Friday

It has been dark and raining all day.  I hadn't realized just how dark and dreary it was until our ride home.  Street lights and house lights were on.  It has been weeks since we really needed that assist.  Made me a bit sad.

I wish I could fill you in on all of the goings on at the office.  Everyone is frantically trying to get computer work done for different areas of the cultural council.  They hardly have time for their own work.  The problem is that they do the culture work and get more because people think that is all they want to do.  They WANT to get back to their own projects and NOT do the cultural stuff.  It will soon get smoothed out.

Jerrn (pronounce yearn) came by our building today to get some small statues for the Thorvaldsen Museum from storage.  Elisabeth brought him up and we enjoyed a long visit.  He plays the organ at church and we have become quite good friends.  Elisabeth said that she had never seen the playful side of him before.  She said he was really fun.

We broke our record for the number of books done.  We did 59 for the week.  This is however not a record for the number of images.  We also got our new books for next week.  They are even wider than our last set of humongous books.  Hopefully we will be able to shoot them.

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