Thursday, February 12, 2009


The other day whey I was in the DR's office to have him check my knee (the brace is straghtening it nicely!) Clyde read me a quote from a book of C.S. Lewis' letters. I loved it so much I had to share it.

"Have you awakened and suddenly wondered why you haven't bought such and such a book long ago and then decided that life without it will be quite unbearable?" C. S. Lewis (age 16)

Yes, as a matter of fact I have! I think for those of us that read and love books there are books that we have to have and love to read.

I love the 'Quilt Books' by Jennifer Chiaverini. I am reading her latest one, "The Winding Ways Quilt" that I just checked out from the library. At the beginning of the 'quilt camps' there is always a candlelight ceremony to get to know people. In this book there is something that really hit me. A very shy woman introduced herself and said, "Honestly, if I can't make friends among quilters, then I must be a hopeless case.... I'm going to to try my best, but I have a favor to ask of all of you.... I know it's easy to forget outsiders when you are having so much fun with your old friends, but please be aware of the people who sit outside your usual circle a bit to let in someone new."

In response to that the next camper said, "Thank you, Marcia, for reminding us that all circles can exclude as well as include."

I have pondered this. How well do I include? Do I see someone at Church and automatically conclude that because they are holding back they are snobbish and don't want to be included? Or do I realize that 99% of the time they are shy and really don't know how to be included? One of the beautiful things of the Newport Ward is that when new people come to the ward, they are made welcome. There are probably a few that fall between the cracks, but I hope not. As I am writing this a baby shower is being given for a sister that is due in 5 weeks. She has been in the ward 3 weeks. She seems like she is quite shy but now that she knows people and knows that we love her, she is comfortable being with us. I love the sisters of Newport Ward for being that way. I am glad we are a sisterhood that includes in our sisterhood instead of excludes.

1 comment:

BenJoeM said...

"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained."

--Answers to Questions on Christianity - C.S. Lewis

I hope all is going well with you and your family.