Friday, February 13, 2009

A Memory

The other day I was talking to some sisters at Relief Society and I remembered the funniest thing about Pam. When we first moved to Kerrville, Texas - all of her sisters were in school. I was still unpacking boxes, so we had just barely moved into the house on Sherwood Lane so that would make Pam 4 years old. The phone rang and I tripped and twisted me knee, so Pam ran and answered it. She didn't say hello or anything she just said, "I think my mom has broken her leg and we are going to have to shoot her." I got up and hobbled to the phone, praying it was someone friendly. It was our single Relief Society President that was in her early 70's. When I answered the phone she said, "My what a sweet child." I just wondered if I was going to be turned it to Child Social Services. Fortunately the Relief Society President DID have a sense of humor. I still blame Clyde for this because his favorite saying is "he broke his leg, so we shot him". So what else would a 4 year old think!?


Heidi Noel said...

Who was the RS president?

Liz said...

Hi!! It's Liz Henwood. I came across your page through Heather's. I did not know that you had a blog. Oh, Pam still makes me laugh. I can totally see her doing that. "We might have to shoot her"...Oh man. I love her! And I miss your laugh!!!!!

Grandma Bailey said...

I think her name was Sister Taylor. She was the very first one we had there when we moved there. She actually reminds me of a shorter version of Doreen.