Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random Thoughts About Me

1. My childhood friends were Marabee, Buddy and Squirrel (I still don't know what Squirrel's real name was).
2. I have lived in Texas longer than anywhere else - if you combine all my years there.
3. My 2 food weaknesses are breads and sweets.
4. I loved being pregnant.
5. I love being a mother and a wife (it was what I wanted to be my whole life!).
6. I love being a grandmother!
7. When I was in High School I hoped one day to sing well enough to at least be able to sing in the chorus of an opera. Now I would never dare.
8. I still can't sing the hymn, "Each Live That Touches Ours For Good" without crying because it reminds me of my mother's funeral.
9. I collect Santa Claus figures but I am acquiring quite a collection of Willow Tree figurines.
10. I collected music boxes as my original collection but a lot of them were lost or broken so I gave it up.
11. I love to read - especially mysteries and YA books.
12. Our daughter's friends all called me 'Mom' and never Mrs. Bailey. If they called me Mrs. Bailey it was because they had just met me.
13. When I grew up I loved reading biographies.
14. I love playing Webkinz. I especially love it when I am on the same time as one of my grandchildren.
15. I miss working out every day.
16. I am in a Dyna-splint 8 hours a day.
17. I can understand German but can't speak it very well anymore.
18. I have read the Book of Mormon so many times I have lost count.
19. I was in Melloteens - an elite acapella choir at Frankfurt American High School in Germany my Junior year in High School (69-70).
20. Clyde and I met in Heidelberg, Germany in December 1971.
21. Our daughter Heidi Noel was born in December 1980 - 9 years after we met.
22. My maternal grandmother, my mother and oldest daughter Carianne and I are all 25 years apart. My mother, Carianne and I are the oldest child and oldest daughter.
23. I love dolls - always have.
24. My favorite movies are "The Bishop's Wife" and "Enchanted April"
25. I knew I was going to marry Clyde the minute I met him.

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