Monday, June 30, 2014

One thing about it... two days on our mission are alike.  Today we got on the bus to go to work and as we were riding, suddenly the bus driver took the old route of bus 10 - not the current one.  Everyone looked and gasped.  A gentleman about our age, went up and told the bus driver where the new route was.  I panicked when this gentleman got off before we were to the train station.  However by that time the central office was in control.  We were still let off a different stop than usual.  We will see what tomorrow brings.

On our side of the building today was  just Steffan and Mikkel.  I have never spoken with Steffan much before today.  We had several really good conversations today.  I have always liked him but like him even better now I have had the chance to actually visit with him.  Mikkel is always asking us about the Bible.  He read it in the Greek when he was in school and hasn't read it since.  I told him he should comparison read, the Greek with the Danish.  He would learn a lot.  He smiled and said he just might.

We worked for 5 1/2 hours of camera time today.  Mondays are always less camera time because of the shipping of the shuttle and other 'office' work that needs to be done.

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