Thursday, March 5, 2015

Another Thursday at the archive

Today d-cam decided to be obstinate and not start properly.  That took 15 minutes off of our camera time.  We still did quite well.  We have some moldy and musty books coming up.  I talked to Elisabeth about a mask and some way to keep my hands from touching the books.  She came in with a masks for Clyde and me with filters on them and some gloves that look a little bit like golf gloves but with full fingers.  They feel good.  Anyway, I will be using these things starting tomorrow and hopefully I won't be home sick with allergies. 

Mads is making me crazy with his excitement over his Reuben Sandwiches tomorrow.  He made homemade Thousand Island dressing today and it is GOOD!  Frederick went to Germany yesterday to get the sauerkraut and they bought the chips and other things for the lunch tomorrow.  I just hope it all lives up to the expectations of Mads.

Someone put a sign on the some candy in the kitchen today that said, 'Nicht, Verboten!'  I told them that who ever wrote that did a double negative - which makes a positive so they were NOT forbidden.  I went in a little later and it said, 'Nicht!  Verboten!'  Lars said he thought it was Pernille because she is a Germanphobe.  I thought he said 'germaphobe' and said it might be better if he said 'Tyskaphobe' (toosk a fobe).  He agreed.  It sounds like we get no work done at work and we just play but we did 2 huge books today and 1/2 of the biggest book of all so far.  I came home and showered and washed my clothes because they were covered in dust.  I will be taking a Benadril tonight.

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