Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Carrie Myrl Brugger

The top picture is my Grandma and Grandpa Brugger's wedding picture.  My mother always told me they were married in the Manti Temple but I recently found out they were married in the Salt Lake Temple.  My Grandma Brugger always went by Myrl.  She though that Carrie was too old fashioned.  She had a twin brother Archie Earl.  Her birthday was last Saturday and intended to do this then but we had a very busy weekend and I didn't get it done.  I didn't want another year to go by without doing this.  I never remember my Grandmother wearing anything but dresses - even when she worked in the garden.  She had some major health struggles in her later years but she handled them with dignity.  At the time I thought she was kind of whiny about the whole thing.  Now I realize she was remarkably strong and for the amount of pain she was feeling, she should have been complaining a lot more.  I wish I had appreciated her more but she was gone by the time I was 16.  I think part of the reason she and I grated on each other so much is that we were really two peas in a pod.  They say that people that are too much alike never get along.  I have had so many people that knew my Grandmother - once we moved Ephraim - say how much I reminded them of her.  By that time I knew it was a high compliment.  I know for a fact our bodies and metabolisms are much alike.  I tend to follow her family line much more closely than any other in that way.  She was an amazing woman.

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