Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bob's First Birthday

These are pictures of my brother, Bob Brugger on his first birthday.  My mother made "Bunny Cakes" for our birthday's when we were little out of seven minute frosting on an angel food cake and then decorating marshmallows to look like bunny faces.  You see from this picture how cute they were.  She made several for her granddaughters but I know of no pictures.  I made daisy cakes, using somewhat the same principle but cut the marshmallows in quarters or eighths (depending on how big the marshmallow is) and dipping them in colored sugar, then arranging them in flower shapes on the cake.  I Then cut a miniature marshmallow in half and dipped it in a contrasting colored sugar for the center of the flower. If I felt really creative, I would roll a few of the quartered marshmallows flat and dip them in green sugar for leaves.  It was quick way to decorate a cake and little girls loved it.  I now decorate my Exotic fruit salad top this way, making poinsettias on top.  After all it is made up of mostly marshmallows and there is always red and green sugar around from the baking that has been done during Christmas.

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