Thursday, October 16, 2008


Yesterday as I was reading Elise's blog about voting or not voting I realized that Carl made my decision very simple for me last spring. He pointed out the candidates were split on pro-life and abortion. He could not in good conscience ever vote for anyone that was not pr0-life - it was against everything he stood for. He is right.

As I have watched the debates and listened to the political commentary on the election it has reminded me of High School elections. When kids would be running for student body president they would promise things like longer lunch hours and shorter school days but you knew they couldn't do one thing about it. The people we need to look at it is the Congressional people running . And when you really examine it -it isn't Bush that has gotten us into this financial mess - it is Congress with their porkbarreling. The most vocal Senator about the things is a senator from Massachusetts. As I have examined what he has been up to he actually has holdings in some of the failed banks! This is something that is so WRONG but things like this go on all the time up here. I am sure that if you looked into other congressional people there are similar things going on (especially politians in the Northeast). Of course we have to shore up wall street! By doing that we are lining the pockets of our politicians. That isn't Bush's fault it is just a corrupt system that we have let happen. It is the senators and state reps that you really need to make sure about when you vote this year. They make more decisions than the President ever makes. The most prestigious decision the president will make will be a new judge for the Supreme Court - maybe - and in truth Congress has the final say about that. The rest truly rides on the shoulders of Congress.

Rhode Island spends more yearly on their roads than any other state in the union but the system is so corrupt that it is also the state the has the least repairs on its roads in the union! People know this and they just look the other way. We have unions and other organizations that get their palms greased until there is no money left for the actual work. Our senators are busy trying to get the federal government to pay for our roads! Why should you pay for our corrupt mismanagement? But things like this go on all the time.

My advice is vote with your conscience. But as for me - like Carl pointed out - the vote for president was easy. They are both a bit like snake oil salesmen and I am not enomored with either one but the issues are clear.


Elise said...

I got your message with your contact info but didn't post the comment for the world to see :) Thanks for sending that!! My travels have definitely slowed down, so I would love to come see you guys! I'll give you a call this week. XOXO

P.S. All these politics are nuts!! It's been driving me crazy...I just keep pressing will all be right in the very end

Heidi Noel said...

The Ensign this month decided it when Nelson had a full article on Abortion. I agree.