Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday's Heroes

This weekend was conference. I could pick a handful of heroes from the speakers because I have many favorites but I am going to pick a new hero. I know very little about her but I am always impressed. Her name is Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency. Last year when she spoke at the Women's Conference she took me by surprise. I did not expect a sister from Central America and was blown away by her talk. This year I was ready for her -I thought. Once again I was blown away by her talk and then she spoke in General Conference. It was amazing. She is very unassuming in the typical Hispanic way but such a spiritual dynamo. She is utterly amazing in my book. I just had to mention her.

My real hero this week probably should have been the first hero I started with. It is my husband and sweetheart, Clyde Bailey. We have been married for almost 36 years but have been in each others lives for almost 37 years. From the moment I set eyes on him, the Spirit whispered to me that he was the one for me. That is why when things were rough and some were actually counseling me to bail on our marriage - I knew I shouldn't. The Lord had been in on our decision from the very beginning and if He wanted us together that bad then we needed to work things out so we could stay together. One of the things the Elder Russell M. Nelson said in his talk yesterday is that marriage is made up of two imperfect people. That is the case of This marriage in spades. But we have found our stride and we are happier than we have ever been.

I have stated this before but I am amazed (well not that amazed) at what a kind and compassionate bishop Clyde is. It has taken him a long time to get to this point in his life. We have several high maintenance people in our ward. They would drive me nuts but Clyde and our Relief Society President, Jennifer Mello have untold patience with them. They are the right people in the right places at the right time. Isn't it amazing how the Lord knows what he is doing?

The last month - up until just a few days ago - Clyde has been responsible for being bishop, his daily job and taking care of me. He has done a wonderful job. I have been extremely impressed with his meals and the sweet way he has taken care of me. It is time for me to take over again but I pushed to hard on Saturday and have been paying for it with bad pain in my leg ever since. I keep thinking I am further along in my recovery than I am. They said 6 weeks and I would be 75% I want it to be a month and 100%!

I am grateful for my husband. I am grateful for following the prompting of the Spirit and marrying him in the temple. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ because that has kept us together. We are not perfect but we have it pretty great. Hopefully soon things will completely be back to normal and I won't be sound asleep before he comes to bed and still asleep when he leaves in the morning. I need to start being a better wife and getting up for him at least.


Cari said...

Daddy is a wonderful hero to have and so amazing. We are all so blessed that we have you both. I love you!

Heidi Noel said...

See my blog. I have been planning mine for a while, but this fits perfectly into it. Beware next week, Mom...