Friday, October 3, 2008


My dad was named Popi by Carianne (our oldest child) when she was a baby. Her first words were Hi, Mama, Da and then suddenly Popi and it was meant for her grandfather. It stuck. The spelling came about because of my parents' maid, Leola. She addressed a gift for Christmas with the spelling and it stuck. In Spanish and Portuguese 'Papi' is and endearing term for Daddy or grandpa. I didn't know that until years later but I always thought it was interesting how our Hispanic friends in San Antonio never thought it was an unusual name while our Anglo friends did. Well, Duh! It is part of their culture.

All of our daughters' friends have called Dad, Popi. The funniest story I have ever heard was one my sister, Marianne told me. Juli Anna and Elise, I hope I have it somewhat right. Anna Osmond had been one of our daughters' really good friends in Ephraim (and like another daughter to me). Elise had been one of the family growing up in San Antonio as a child. Apparently they knew each other at BYU-Hawaii. When Elise was getting ready to go on her mission she mentioned that Popi was coming to her farewell. Anna said, "You know Popi?!" And so they did. One from her early childhood and other from her teens. The funny thing about this story is that they were so sure it was the right Popi and it was.

One of the lessons that my father - Popi - has taught me from a little girl is that we are always setting an example. Whether it is a good example or a bad example - someone is always watching us even when we are not aware. So what is wrong with always trying to set a good example - it isn't that hard? So many times I have had people come and tell me a story as simple as the one above - about my own life - where we simply crossed paths with mutual friends. What kind of example was I setting? I don't sit and worry about it but I do hope I have never hurt 'Popi's' good name.


Heidi Noel said...

Popi is an amazing man and I know for sure that i am not biased because wherever I go someone knows him and has nice things to say about him.

Elise said...

Too funny!! What a small world! It was fun to read this post because sadly I can't remember when Anna and I made the connection that we knew your family. Anna and I worked EFY together...and in fact- her husband Marcus and I knew each other before Anna & him met. I kind of introduced them- and while they were dating they'd send me packages together. it was great! :) I spent a lot of time with Anna that summer. Right before I was going on my mission, Marcus (he being from Texas as well) and I took a road trip up to Utah to visit a bunch of EFY friends and bring some of my stuff home- and we made a trip up to Manti to see Popi! Popi is wonderful and right before I moved out east, I again made a trip up to Manti to say hello. It was special catching up with him. sure love all you guys!!