Friday, October 17, 2008

Memory - Bynx

Why would I write a memory about a cat we all remember? Last night I was with the Girls' Achievement Class and two of the girls are sisters. They have 6 cats because of the mice in and outside of the their house. Two cats are for inside and the other 4 stay outside and catch the rodents that roam the countryside. Emma and Sara said that they don't even have to feed the outside cats because they catch enough mice and rats. I laughed and told them the probably are being fed by other people like Bynx. They were fascinated about our cat really belonging to the neighborhood. The thing that the whole class loved the most was that Bynz only came in the house if their was a rodent to capture. She would race in, catch it and leave. She never came in otherwise. It took us a while to figure out what she was up to when she would come in but she would be standing at the door with a dead mouse in her mouth every time.

The girls' also thought it was funny when Bynx had her kittens and we gave them away. 2 of the kittens we gave away within 4 houses of where we lived, one next door and the other to Hayden. One day Bynx came home with the kitten hanging from her mouth (banging against the sidewalk) all the way from Hayden's house. She did that several times. Hayden finally gave up trying to keep her. The only kitten that successfully stayed away from Bynx as a matter of fact was Matt and Jill Neilson's 'Tinkerbell' and that was because they made her a strictly indoor cat.

She had a sweet disposition. We had a hard time naming her and one day Jason Brugger was down visiting. He insisted that her name was Bynx and so it stayed forever more. We just left her to fend for herself when we left Ephraim and we are sure she was fine. I am sure she has passed on by now - she was 9 years old about when we left. She would disappear for weeks at a time and I think people would try and make a house cat out her. It wouldn't have lasted long. She loved being outside and free but she always returned to us at some point.

The other thing I would like to write about is a comic strip I read clear last Sunday. It was Funky Winkerbean. In it they were talking about how life has all kinds of twists and turns and wouldn't it be nice if we had a GPS to guide us. I have thought about that and I am so grateful that I do have a GPS - the Holy Ghost. When I listen to the promptings of the Spirit the twists and turns of life don't take me by surprise and life is so much happier. It is truly the GPS that guides me in everything I do. The Lord has blessed us greatly by giving the Spirit to us. We just have to listen and heed the prompting. The more we listen the easier it is to hear. We are truly a blessed people.


Cari said...

I didn't get to know Binx - but I love hearing stories about her. She was a funny little thing.

Heidi Noel said...

No, we named Binx because of Hocus Pocus. That is what we want to name a black cat from Webkinz, too.

Grandma Bailey said...

Yeah but we were switching between Midnight and Binx. Jason was the one who finally decided for everyone. It was one of their last visits with us.

Heidi Noel said...
