Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Turesday Book Review

When I was in the first grade I was so far ahead of the rest of the class I was driving my teacher crazy. Finally one day out of desperation she handed me "The Bobbsey Twins". I loved it! I loved it so much I finished it in just a few days. So my dad took me to the bookstore on post and let me choose another. It was 50 cents. By the time I kind of grew out the Bobbsey Twins I had quite a collection. I then moved on to the Cherry Ames, Student Nurse - and read that series. When I was between second and third grade I found Anne of Green Gables. It was years before I found the whole series but I found the first 3 books that summer and devoured them. I couldn't believe anything could be so beautifully written. I guess because that was written by someone at the turn of the century, suddenly people thought I was ready for things by Dickens and Jane Austen. I wasn't. In fact because my teachers tried to force them on me too young I was turned off of them for many years. I am a person that has to find things on my own terms. When I do I embrace it wholeheartedly. If I am forced to do something - I will do it but only as far as I have to in order to squeak by. I have tried hard to overcome this quirk but it is there.

The current book that I have read I really recommend is "East" by Edith Pattou. It is a fantasy and fairy tale that both Clyde and I thoroughly enjoyed. Clyde is not a reader but even he found time to read this book. It was a book you just could not put down. It is written in different voices - which is not all that uncommon - but the way she did was really well done. Each person told their story beautifully. Apparently it is quite a popular book. As I have spoken with people about it, I am finding it is on reading lists for Middle Schools and the reading lists for libraries as well.


Heidi Noel said...

I am the same way about books. I will read books my family recommends, but am hesitant otherwise. I am not sure why. If you recall though, I did not ever read Anne of Green Gables and still have not. Sad. I also never finished "Heidi" even though everyone thought I should. I should probably try that book again.

Cari said...

WHAT!!!!!!!! I am in total shock and unbelief. You haven't read Anne of Green Gables?!? Do you own it?