Friday, September 19, 2014

Work was okay but still frustrating

We got through 2 books this morning and then D-Cam wouldn't even recognize the external hardrive - a totally new wrinkle.  I got a migraine at 12:30 and came home.  Feeling much better after a 2 hours nap.  Wish we knew what was going on with the computer.

I have learned some interesting things this week.  Jeppe was telling me that when he and his wife get up in the morning, they have kind of a mantra they say to themselves.  It is (in essence) "Today I will make this day the best day I possibly can for my spouse."  Jeppe claims that when he is frustrated about things, he remembers his promise to himself and things quickly are forgiven and forgotten.  What a wise way to go through your marriage.

Apparently Clyde and I are the most easy going of all of the Senior Missionaries.  Elder Andersen, the full time missionary from here in Copenhagen that finds living space for the missionaries, said that when he found our apartment - there was great concern that we would out and out reject it as unsuitable.  It is obvious that we did not.  In fact we are grateful that Elder Andersen found anything for us and we have a nice and warm space to call our own.  He tells this to everyone that he can.  There were a few of the other couples (some gone home now) that told Elder Andersen he was wasting his time even accepting this apartment because it would not be to our liking.  I don't understand how some people can be so hardheaded about things like this.  It is not forever and IT IS a very European apartment.

So some weird trivia.  Did you know that Egyptian women were some of the most 'free' of all women in past societies?  They were allowed to choose their spouse and run their own businesses.  The were allowed to be educated with the males of the culture.  It wasn't until after one of the later Pharaohs said that they could no longer be free, that Egyptian society started to break down.  Their society was in the forefront of all other societies of their time for over 400 years.  The last 100 were not free to women.

Witches were usually single women that were long lived.  If a woman made it over 60 years old in the 1600's, she was suspected of being a witch - more so if she was unmarried.  The idea of witches is recorded to 2 men that wanted a 'spinster's' property.  They had her declared a witch and the rage went from there.

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