Friday, September 26, 2014

"Come Unto Me"

Today we went to the Vor Frue Kirke and saw "Christus".  I apologize for the blurriness of the pictures.  You cannot use flash and the light from outside was very low.  Under the Christ's feet - on the pedestal - it says, "Come Unto Me".

This is the Apostle Peter.  Notice the keys in his right hand.  This is one of Clyde's all time favorite statues.  He loves the power of it.  It was quite breathtaking to be in the chapel with this incredible art.  There is a sacred beauty there.  When we went as a family over 40 years ago, there were no pews and the statues were kind of out in the room.  Then they put in pews and put the apostles in their own individual alcoves.  About 8 years ago, the chapel was refurbished and the statues were brought down from their alcoves and set in the room.  I wish I had thought to take a picture of the chapel.  We will the next time we go.

This is Bartholomew

This is Thomas

The Lutheran's believe in Infant Baptism.  They do not believe in total immersion.  Here is the 'Baptismal' - also carved by Thorvaldsen.

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