Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The bike is the #1 mode of transportation in Denmark.  85% of the people ride bikes.  70% have only bikes as their transportation.  The above bike is for a child in the front and one in the back.  Usually babies and toddlers ride in these.  By the time they are 5 or 6 they are riding their own bike with the family.  During our commutes, I am amazed at the amount of bikes on the road.  The child seat in the back is interesting.  I love watching the children.  One little girl was sound asleep, leaning against her mother, as her mother frantically rode through rush hour traffic.  I love watching father's with the hands on the child's shoulder to guide them as the Dad rides a bike and child pedals their own.  If Denmark has taught me anything, it is that family is first.

This is a mail bike.  It has a small motor to maneuver more comfortably.  This is a kind of bike is quite a common sight.  When we are in Odense, we saw chimney sweeps with this kind of get-up, all dressed in their finery, from black top hat to brushes and brooms in the front box.  There is a barista bike outside of the train station.  We will get a picture soon.

Bikes come in all kinds of colors and are everywhere.  This is for my 'orange' loving grandsons.

We did not go to work today.  Clyde took forever getting ready for work this morning.  His stomach was really hurting him.  I finally took matters in my own hands and told him we were staying home.  I emailed Jeppe and that ended the discussion.  He is feeling much better this evening.

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