Sunday, August 31, 2014

And the Thunder Rolls...

This picture is taken from our window where we shoot.  It was last week and there was an incredible storm coming in.  The sky was so black compared to the white apartment buildings.  If you look - you can see the 'silver' lining.  It is something the Danes tell you look for.  There is always silver in the sky during a rain storm - a promise it will not last forever. 

Last night the thunder and lightning were right on top of each other.  It was so close it actually shook the apartment building!  At church today, people were telling about their apartment cleanup from the water coming up the shower drains and the toilets!  The Thorvaldsen Museum and our public transportation systems suffered damage too.

Daniel and me.  Daniel stuck pretty close to me for  most of the trip.  I really enjoy talking with Daniel.  He loves all things American but especially American Sports.

Clyde and Helge sitting together.  Marianne (on the side of Helge) is a new intern at the archive at the Radhus.  This is all on the ferry going to Ven Island.

Our dear friend, Jeppe.  Jeppe had been sick all week and finally started on antibiotics on Wednesday.  He was so sick he lost 15 pounds.  He does not have the weight to lose.  He and I walked together up to the observatory.  He told me about his 'bonus' brother.  It turns out that in Danish you don't say 'step' son or mother but you say what is equivalent of 'bonus'.  I have been so lucky to have a 'bonus' grandfather.  I love that term so much more than 'step.'

Entering the harbor on Ven.  It was a beautiful island.

More of the ferry harbor.  It is the Iceland, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish flags in the picture.  More pictures tomorrow.

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