Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Fun Day

We went to work today and had a good day.  When the Orgill's were here, they left us some Country Time Strawberry Lemonade. Sour Patch Kids (watermelon), Laffy Taffy and AirHeads.  I took them into work today and it was so funny to watch the reactions.  Lars loved the Country Time lemonade - except for the color.  It reminded him of his nieces birthday parties.  He said he would have to drink that in an opaque glass - but he enjoyed it.  He ate all of the Sour Patch Kids and then he said he had a sugar high and probably pickled from all of the chemicals.  Mads will be his son's hero this evening.  He noticed Wonka on the Laffy Taffy.  He took all of it home because Mio loves Charlie and Chocolate Factory.  Glad we can make life fun for so many people.

On the way home, the bus driver hit the accelerator or slammed on the brakes.  We were all being thrown all over the bus.  Little kids were losing their footing and their seats, landing on the floor.  Several people complained and one lady told me that she would complain to the bus company about this driver.  I wouldn't go that far but it was not my favorite ride we have ever had.

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