Wednesday, March 27, 2013


During my life, I have had many promptings from the Holy Ghost.  Sometimes I follow them and other times, I am sorry to say, I ignore them.  I have been thinking a lot about this, because I had a very strong prompting over and over - not for me but for Clyde just this last week.  I kept thinking, "Surely Clyde would feel the same way."  It turned out he did but he also ignored it because it was for Church.  Things did not go well.  Lesson learned. 

There is kind of a popular story among the youth of our ward.  They called it "Sister Bailey's Seminary Story".  It makes me laugh when someone tells me that the story popped up in a class.  In fact this story was just told last week.  I have told it many times but thought I would write it down for posterity.  It is how things usually work when you have a prompting.

When we owned the print shop, I always took the Broadway exit and then turned right on Broadway and went straight on to work.  One day I had a very strong impression not to go that way.  So I didn't. 

{This is when the students say, "What happened?" and I say, "Nothing, because I listened to the prompting."}

I have learned that when I get a prompting, to do what I have been prompted to do.  Sometimes it is to call a Visiting Teaching sister or one of Clyde's Home Teaching families.  Other times it might be just like the story above, to simply not go that direction.  More often than not, I follow the voice and do what I am told to do.  It has become quite apparent though that there is room for improvement.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

My father in law talked in ward conference on Sunday about the same thing! He told a story and talked about how we don't have to know what would have happened if we didn't follow the prompting. We are so blessed that the Lord prompts us when we need it! I love you Aunt Beckie!