Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I am Mormor or Farmor

I have acknowledged my title of Grandma or GaGa for years now but it always surprises me when a child not from my family calls me 'grandma'.  Today Matthaeus was at work with his dad Mikkel.  He kept asking his father if he could come see the farmor (father's mother) and say 'hi'.  He would run and see me and then get shy but it still made me smile.  He couldn't leave until he came to say Hej Hej - which is 'hi hi' and means goodbye.  He giggled all the way down the hall.

A couple of weeks ago we were sitting across from a woman from Nigeria and her small son.  He kept calling me 'mormor' which is mother's mother.  His mother kept smiling and telling me she thought it was funny.  I thought it was sweet because our coloring was polar opposites.  When he got off the bus he too told me 'hej hej'.  So I guess I am now officially old and grandma!

We got 7 books done today.  They were twice as thick as yesterday's books so we did quite a bit today.  It was a good day - all in all.  Jeppe was trying to get things in order for our leaving.  I tear up every time we talk about it.  I am going to miss this group. 

Clyde asked me if he had sent in our time card for last week.  I told him I gave him the information and assumed he had.  15 minutes later, Chris called because he had a question about the time card.  Do you think the Lord was listening and answered our question?  I wouldn't be surprised.


Marianne said...

A few weeks ago, when we arrived in San Antonio, one of Julianna's friends was visiting her. She has a two year old little boy who had never met me. As soon as I walked in the door he grabbed my hand and said "Grandma, I want to show you something." It is nice to look like a grandma.

Marianne said...

By the way, I love the idea of being father's mother or mother's mother. That way grandparents have different names. Too bad we don't have something like that in English.