Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Marcus!

This is our oldest grandson, Marcus Andrew Bahlmann.  He turns 13 today.  He was the only grandchild I got to see every day as a baby.  He is an amazing young man.  Marcus, I hope you have a wonderful day and an amazing year.  Love you so much.

How many IT guys does it take to change the pedals on a bike?  At least 5!  Mikkel was changing his pedals on his bike so that he would have reflective pedals, today at work so he could use the tools there.  Jeppe came to help him and then Soren came.  Pretty soon Lars and Mads were helping too.  When I asked how many IT guys it took, Mads counted and said, "At least 5!"  They make me laugh so much.
Today when we went to work it was misting and pretty mild.  Then about 10 a.m. a driving rain hit with really high winds.  All of the sudden snow started falling with the biggest flakes I have ever seen.  On the way home the sun was shining with just a light breeze but the temps are falling.  I loved basking in the sun on the way home.  Now very cold temps and high winds are going to plague us until Monday and then the snow comes.  So much fun!

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