Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Smith Farm

 This is the Front Room of the Smith home where Joseph was visited by Moroni.  Eventually this home became the home of Hyrum and Jerusha - when the rest of the family moved up the road to the bigger home.
 This is the attic and the children's bedroom.  The sister's were in the room behind the door and the brother's - including Joseph - shared the two beds and this room.  This is where Moroni visited Joseph all through the night when Joseph was 17.

This is where things get a bit out of order.  This is the kitchen fireplace of the Joseph Smith Sr., home.  It was started by Alvin but finished by others when Alvin died.  I thought we had a picture of the fireplace where Joseph hid the plates under the hearthstones.  This seems to be the only picture we got.  This house is 60% original.  Because of that you are not allowed upstairs or in the main living area because of preservation efforts.  You can peek into the main living area and it is set up but you cannot go in.  The Smith Family lived in this home for several years and then just as the last payment was due, there was no money.  Mother and Father Smith packed up and moved back in with Hyrum and his family in the tiny log home.  By this time Joseph was married.

 This is the hearth in the main living area of Hyrum's log cabin.
 Another shot of the main living area of the log cabin.  Through the door is 'the Master Bedroom' when Joseph was a youth.  The bible under the glass is open to James. 

 This is Hyrum's Cooper shop.  Hyrum and Joseph Smith, Sr., were master coopers.  This somewhat explains hiding the plates in the bottom of a barrel of beans.  Where else would a cooper think to hide or even store things but in a barrel.
 Another shot of the Cooper shop.
I thought we had a shot of the log cabin but we don't this is the front of the Smith Family home that Alvin built (through the trees in the center).  To the left of the house is the cooper shop and to the right is the barn.  The cooper shop is replica but the barn is mostly original - but not the Smith's barn.  It is actually Brigham Young's brothers barn, moved from that property and rebuilt on this site.

Tomorrow, Sacred Grove pictures.  We are also heading to New York City to get our visas approved by the Danish Consulate.  Our appointments are 8 minutes each, starting just before 1pm.  We will drive to Connecticut and pick up the train into the city.  Hopefully all will be well.

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