Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Mother's Day

I am a bit late writing this, but I have had a busy and a rough week.  Saturday, Clyde surprised me with a camera.  We need one for our mission and for our travels this summer.  Clyde said we just a bought a Cadillac when we have been used to a VW.  I am slowly figuring things out and Heather has promised to send me some books to help.  I also received wonderful family pictures from the Bahlmanns and the Blu-ray of "Hans Christian Andersen" with Danny Kaye from the Pfiesters.  It was a wonderful Mother's Day and just what I needed.  Heather's and Pam's gifts are coming.

On Tuesday morning, I work with my personal trainer.  Just before she was supposed to come, I was hit with gastro-intestinal problems and had to cancel.  That threw me off for the whole day.  I thought I could go to my knitting class but ended up only staying half the time I usually stay.  However I am making visible progress on my sock.  I came home and felt crummy for the rest of the day Tuesday and all of Wednesday.  However last night we had a study session with our 'study buddy' from the MTC.  I was thrilled with how much I understood.  Maybe listening to the conference addresses is  helping.  She said my pronunciation is wonderful and that one day it will just click.  She was born and raised in the Copenhagen area, I take that as a compliment.  However after the session, I was so exhausted I just went to bed and it was only 8:00!  I slept through until the alarm went off.

We are planning a trip to Palmyra, New York.  Clyde needs a break and I have never been.  So we will head Northwest for a few days and see what there is to see.  On May 30, we go to the Danish Consulate and see if we are worthy of having a visa.  We also just found out that in 6 months we go in Denmark to renew it.  If we do not speak Danish well, we could be sent home!  The sister last night said that she didn't think that would be a problem.  The Lord wants us there and we are working hard on the language.  I think once we are completely immersed in it that it will just click.  (I am praying that we receive the same blessings as our nieces did on their missions.)

I haven't been up long enough to know how I feel today.  I am hoping that it will be wonderful day.  I need to get back to my walks so that I am ready to walk around the streets of New York.

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