Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Palmyra, New York - Joseph Smith Home Visitors Center

 A week ago, Clyde and I decided to go and spend a couple of days in Palmyra and visit the Church History sites there.  The above picture is actually taken at the Hill Cumorah Visitor's Center but I wanted to start with that picture to explain how spiritual this trip was.

It took 7 hours of driving and intermittent stops to get from Middletown, RI to Palmyra.  We got there about 2:30 and didn't leave the 'Smith Farm' until just before 5.  We thought that we would plan 1 hour for each place but every place we went, took at least 2.  The above statue is of Joseph Smith's visit with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  I loved this figure and wanted to start off my blogs with it.  We were with one other family and a non-member woman, named Connie.  I will go into more detail tomorrow about what went on at the farm.  We found out the other family were business partners with Todd Kaiser.  His father was George Kaiser and he and his family lived in San Antonio when we my father was Stake President.  They eventually retired and moved to Salt Lake City.  The son of this family had just come home from a mission in San Antonio but had spent most of his time in the outlying areas, like Seguin, Schertz, etc.  I cannot for the life of me remember their name but it was fun to find out about families we knew in the past.  I have to keep this one short but tomorrow I will post pictures of the farm.

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