Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mom and Others

Mom and me just before I went to the Heidelberg Castle (in Heidelberg Germany) and graduated from High School (the first part of June, 1971).

This is for the other person that is very special to me - Aunt Norma (in the front with the red pants on). One of the favorite things to do when we visited Grandma and Grandpa Tuttle was to go into Manti Canyon and eat meals -breakfast was my favorite. I loved listening to Grandpa tell us about the mountains.

This was when Mom was Relief Society President for the first time. She is second from the right. Aunt Bernice is on the back - the first one on the left.

This is my mom when she was 16. It was taken at Anderson Drug store in Ephraim, Utah.
There are days like yesterday when I miss my Mom and Aunt Norma so much it hurts. Mom was a big part of my life - obviously and my Aunt Norma - to this day - is the person I call when things become overwhelming. She is a most amazing woman and I have looked up to her my whole life. I have been surrounded by amazing women all of my life. Both of my grandmother's were incredible, strong women. My mother fought pain most of her life and yet she ran circles around me - probably still could if she was still alive. On her good days I could not keep up with her. My sister is an example of woman in the gospel. Marianne is a wonderful mother, wife and friend. She has always been an example of what a righteous woman's life should be like. She has four amazing daughters to prove it. Sometimes I wonder how I have been so blessed to have such loving women surrounding me, my whole life.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

I glanced at the first picture and thought it was Carianne.