Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday's Heroes

In the last two weeks we finally have Elder Robert and Sister Dixie Wood home. They will be the new Boston Temple President and Temple Matron in November. It is nice to have them back - even if it is for just a visit. But it will be so wonderful to have them be in the Temple. It will be good to be enveloped with their love every time we walk in the door.

We almost lost them. They literally had a fiery car crash on the way here and if it hadn't been for good Samaritans - we wouldn't have the Woods in our midst. We are very lucky.

Elder and Sister Wood have an uncanny ability to pick up a conversation with from where you left off, whether it was yesterday or 8 months ago. They meet hundreds of people in the months of travel and yet as I was getting out of the car the other day I was having a hard time because I had been sitting for quite a while. Elder Wood walked over and then inquired how my knees were doing. How could he possibly remember about my knees and surgery!? He is amazing. Sister Wood is equally as amazing with her memory and love. We are so blessed to have them back and so lucky to have them in our lives. They are truly people to emulate - always.

1 comment:

Holly said...

They are incredible! I met them only twice and they made such an impression on me. Hopefully we'll end up back in Newport while they are there and we'll get to see them more.