Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday's Hero

I should have done this hero last week because it was closer to his birthday, but I felt very strongly that I needed to do Sara - so she won out.

My hero this week is Frank Joe Dittmar, III. He is my sister's husband. I remember when he came to ask my parents if he could marry Marianne (or as my mother kept telling everyone, to tell them he was marrying Marianne) and how much Omi liked him. Omi said, "He knows what he wants and goes for it." I was trying not to make a snap decision - after all my first impressions have gotten me into worlds of trouble and I knew I needed to care about this person for eternity. I am glad I was more reserved. I have always like Frank and he is the perfect husband for my sister. They are parents to the 4 most amazing daughters (other than ours) on the face of the earth. Frank is an honorable man. He is a wonderful husband and father and more than that he is honorable priesthood holder. He is fulfilled every calling I have ever seen him receive to the best of his ability - giving it truly everything he has. His testimony defines who he is as well as his family. Frank is constantly growing and changing for the better. He makes this a conscious decision. He is an amazing man and he is my hero today.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

I sure love my daddy!!!