Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Book Review

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett was a thought provoking book. It was a book about Black domestic help in the South during the early 1960's. Having known maids, grown up with black maids - it was eye opening. It is truly the 'good, the bad, and the ugly' of what went on in the South for hundreds of years. It was one of those books that ran you through every emotion you ever knew from laughing out loud to total disgust to sobbing. Not many books can do that. The three main protagonists are 2 black maids and one white socialite who decides to write their story - all anonymously. I highly recommend this book. It is not a light read and it is not a book you will be able to pick up and put down at will. Once I was committed I could not put it down.
I am still reading through Lillian Jackson Braun's "Cat who..." books. I am on book 21 currently. I also just finished the 4th in the Temeraire series "Empire of Ivory" and was thrilled to find out Peter Jackson has bought the rights to the books! If ever there was a series of books up his alley this is it.
I also finished the Percy Jackson series (did I mention that last week?) Anyway I am sad about that but expected it - after all he turned 16. But it was by far the best of the series.
I am still plugging along with "The Woman in White". Since I only read it when I am in a waiting room or waiting for Clyde as he interviews - this may be months in the going. Next weeks review could be very boring if my books don't get in the library.

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