Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday's Book Review

I give up trying to get them on the same line! The first book I will review is "Dewey" by Vicki Myron. The picture you see just above this paragraph is the book cover and is used to publicize many 'cat' things. It is on greeting cards and bookmarks. I didn't realize it was a real 'library' cat and the proceeds went to take care of the cat named Dewey and the library. It was a delightful biography of this sweet cat and a very heart-wrenching autobiography of the author. I laughed, and sobbed so hard in the end that I got a migraine. You know the cat dies - it can't live forever (though it lived for 19 years!). It is beautifully written and a wonderful read. It is truly one of the best books I have read for a long time. I highly recommend it for any age.
Because of reading "Dewey" I got caught up reading the Lilian Jackson Braun books of the Siamese cats Koko and YumYum in the "The Cat Who..." series of books. I started with the first one because I realized I never really knew how Qwilleran acquired his fortune. After 5 books it was finally revealed. Now I am just caught up in the series. They are such a fun read. Problem is they are $6 a pop and I can read 2 a day! I am currently reading "The Cat Who Sniffed Glue" which is the 7th one she wrote. I will be finished with it before bed. I need to slow down and go back to the Scarlet Pimpernel Books.
I have read "Sir Percy Leads the Band" and "The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel" this week. I enjoyed "Sir Percy Leads the Band" much more than "The League..." I am not really sure why. Maybe because it just wasn' as vioent. I need to get back in the swing of reading these again.

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