Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Book Reviews

Last week I called Pam and asked her for a list of all of Baroness Orzcy's books for the 'Scarlet Pimpernel' series. I figured if I had another series to read Iwouldn't have to think about what book to get next. I have read the first two: "The Laughing Cavalier" and "The First Sir Percy" so far. I am debating whether or not to continue reading "The Scarlet Pimpernel". It is the next in the series. I have it in book form - so I probably will but will read it as a 'carry around book' and download "Sir Percy Leads the Band" on my Kindle. I have thoroughly enjoyed the first two books - in fact more than I have ever enjoyed "The Scarlet Pimpernel". But as I have started to re-read "The Scarlet Pimpernel" last night - I realized you kind of have to know the formula to reading the books and then they are a joy to read. The secret it something you have to find out for yourself but once you do you cannot wait to read the next one. I highly recommend these books and can see why they are some of Pam's favorites.
"The Honk and Holler Opening Soon" was a book I downloaded by accident. It is a long story but I mis-read the review on it and thought it was a different author. Instead it was an author suggested by the author Iwas looking up. It was Okay but not one that I think everyone should go out and read. It was very easy for me to pick up and put down - even forget I was reading it. So I cannot highly recommend it.

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