Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday's Heroes

Brace yourselves - I have a bunch today.

First of all is Andy Bahlmann. He had the good taste of marrying our daughter Heidi. He is the father of three amazing children, Marcus, Anneke and Luke. We are proud of him and his efforts in working on his PhD and know he will be an amazing teacher. He is passionate about teaching the Gospel and English (especially Medieval English).

My second hero is Neal Gaskin. He is married to my husband's cousin Anne. We have only met Neal face to face once and had a wonderful time. But Neal has put together picture CD's for our genealogy and been a rock in the Bailey family for years. It is pleasure to know him.

My third hero is David Keeler. I watched David grow up through is his teenage years. A lot of people thought that David was snobbish, aloof and some even thought him to be slow. David's true problem is that he is painfully shy. Yet David is serving a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and as all missionaries who fully commit themselves - he is being very successful. I as so proud of David for making this decision and having the faith of knowing that Lord would bless him.

The interesting thing about Andy, Neal and David is they all share a birthday on May 20th - so Happy Birthday.

My fourth hero is a heroine. Molly Roberts is one of the sweetest young women you would ever meet. She is an assistant manager for Bed Bath and Beyond. She has just realized that her Heavenly Father loves her and that has been an amazing revelation to all of us because it has reminded us that Heavenly Father loves us too. Molly is one of those people that willing give you everything she owns and think nothing of it. We say that about people but when the situation really arises would they truly arise to the occasion? I know Molly would. There would be no excuses and in fact you would never know she had until you went and found she had nothing left. Her parents have raised her well and we love her dearly. Today is Molly's Birthday. Happy Birthday, Molly!

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