Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"It's All About Me!"

I can't seem to come up with an original blog. Monday my blog was similar to our oldest daughter, Carianne's - today it is somewhat modeled after Heather's from yesterday. I was going to wax lyrical about how much I LOVE the sauna until I went to workout today and then this woman came that I try to avoid like the plague.

Carol is one of those people that thinks the world should revolve around her. I truly cannot believe that anyone can think that way but she must. She comes and never goes the direction the circuit is going. She stays on equipment much longer than you are supposed to so it throws the ryhthm and the circuit of everyone in the room off and she just randomly picks equipment. If there was a method to her - it would be one thing. But you never know what day, what time or how she is going to approach the equipment with any visit. I find her so frustrating that I almost always cut my workout short because it is better to cut it short than lose my cool. Today I had them turn on the sauna early for me so I could cool off in the sauna. Thank heaven I had that 30 minutes before I left so I felt more calm as I walked home. If I hadn't had the time in the sauna it would have taken me much longer to calm down.

I truly wonder if she is out to annoy me or she doesn't like. I am not sure what I have ever done to her. If I decided to ride the bike (or in the past run the treadmill) she would stand there tapping her foot waiting for me to get off the bike I was riding or the whatever. There are three bikes, 2 treadmills and 2 elipticals. No matter which one I am on - she wants. She reminds me of a 2 year old that doesn't know how to share. Okay enough of that - I have vented enough.

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