Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday's Heroes

Today's Heroine is Becky Workman. Anyone that knows her will understand why I would choose her. She is married to Adam Workman and is the mother of 5 amazing children. Adam has been in Iraq for the last 6 months. We hope that the weather will allow him to return tomorrow. During the last 6 months Becky has held her family together plus run a marathon, cleared mice from her basement, had surgery on her leg and yet still managed to make most all of the bookgroups we have held. She is also a counselor in the Primary Presidency plus has to play the piano for the Primary. I truly watch her in awe every Sunday as she performs her amazing feats of juggling Church calling and motherhood. She is patient with not only her children but others too (something that I have always struggled with). You know when she is excited about something and it is contagious. She is fun to be around because she knows when to take things seriously but when to laugh too. She is great example of a mother in Zion. Plus she is the mother of Emma and Sarah - two of my amazing Girl's Achievement girls. I am blessed to know the whole Workman family but especially Becky.

On a sad note - one of my heroes died yesterday - Paul Harvey. I loved listening to his news reports for years. He had retired about the time we moved to RI but even then I was still saddened by his death. I will miss his very honest take on things. He seemed to be able to balance his reports and give you both sides of a story - something that is not given today.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

I was saddened by Paul Harvey's death as well. I remember listening to him with dad on the way to Sunshine Cottage in the green Toyota. Good times.