Monday, March 16, 2009

Fourth Picture in Fourth Folder

Be sure and still read Monday's heroes but Carianne tagged me and if I don't do it right now I won't do it. This a picture of me holding my 9th grandchild - Dutch Bailey Davis, the day he was blessed. It was a beautiful day in Pennsylvania and a beautiful day spiritually. This was taken August 31, 2008. Chris' parents and his brother Josh were also there. {Two days later I had surgery on my left knee so this was pretty much the last fun picture I have taken upright for a while!}
The rules to this game is to go into the your 4th picture folder and pull out your 4th picture and tell us about it. I tag my sister, Marianne, Sara Walker, Annemarie Dittmar and Elise Cannon.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

I think it is funny you actually tagged people.