Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So Far This Week

Is it really only Wednesday? I know I am strapped to this brace most of the day but this has been the oddest week. Monday went by like Monday's do and then we got a call from the Halverson's. Josh had broken his leg. Apparently he had gone to karate kick his older sister and she had blocked - breaking his leg in the process. She broke it where it had been broken about 20 months ago. By the time we had slid our way over to their house (remember we had that Nor'Easter blow through here Monday) - Josh was in great pain with a soft cast on and Ashley was just crushed. I hope I made Ashley feel better by telling her about the crushed fingers and close calls I had done to my siblings. I certainly had beaten myself up about things. When I slammed my younger sister's fingers in the basement door, my friend Buddy road up to the entrance of our housing area and told me he could hear Marianne crying from the emergency room. I was devastated. I realize now - WHAT A LIAR! From the Entrance of Infantry Post on Fort Sam Houston is about the farthest point from the emergency room you could get - his house would have been closer and it still would have been a good mile or more (I was 6 what do I know about distance!?). Even so, I beat myself up about the pain I had caused my sister - for years because of what Buddy Collie told me!

Then yesterday my day was going along as my days do and my phone rang. It was my brother. He never calls but there was no one there - just some babbling. I called back and it turned out, apparently I had been speed dialed by one of my toddler nephews. I ended up talking to my brother for over an hour. We seem to be able to pick up - no matter how long - as if it was yesterday. We have always been close. I also got to speak with Dena - so that would have made my day. Then Carianne called and we visited for a while so my day would have been great right then and there. However, a couple of hours later my sister called me from Disneyland and visited. Though we talk much more frequently than Bob and I do - we still had a wonderful visit. I was so happy. Not too long after that Heather called from Okinawa with some bad news she had to vent about. But for me on the plus side I was able video call the girls and talk to each of them - and so was grandpa. I went to bed last night a very contented person.

Our ward is putting together a cookbook. I offered our 'comb-binder' to bind the books - so now I am on the committee. We had a meeting this morning. Sam Spencer (1 year old) and Sophie Durham (4 years old - Her birthday is July 22, Heidi) came with their mothers to play here while we discussed the book. It was a fun morning. In 2 1/2 days I have squashed in what I usually do in a week. Hopefully soon I will be able to be free of this brace and then I will be free to do some of the things I really want to do. For now I will contentedly read and occasionally get up and write things on the computer when I just can't stand The Chair any longer.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

I love cookbooks. We just put one together for the YW to go to girls camp. I, however, think that I contributed at least 1/3 of them, so am not too excited to get it. I did get one for Anneke to have someday. I have loved all the church cookbooks i have gathered over the years. How much are yours going for? I want one.