Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Rockbox

Today we had another fun filled day. We went and bought Father's Day presents and birthday presents for Nathanael (more about those tomorrow). This evening we went to the Rockbox in Fredericksburg, Texas. It was a show very similar to what we used to watch at Fiesta Texas when it was all about the variety shows. There was CCR music, a tribute to Bette Midler (she sang 'The Rose' and it almost brought you to tears). They did ZZTop, some old Hank Williams music and so much more. My Favorites were, Paul McCartney's 'Blackbird', Better Middler's 'Rose' and at the end they did a tribute to our Veterans, First Responders and those that are currently serving in the military, especially in the war zones. Everyone that had a family member in the Armed Services was to get a candle for this. I bawled like a baby because of the way they did it and because of Brandon. It made you proud. To make it even better (or worse) they sang 'I'm Proud to Be An American' which is one of the songs we always ended our VOCAL EXCHANGE programs with during the summer. That made it a double whammy. Needless to say it made for an enjoyable evening and very proud to be a Texan at heart.

As I was driving around Kerrvilled today, I realized how comfortable I feel here. This still feels like home. I ran into Chuck and MaryLynn Hopkins at Walmart and it was like we ran into each other every other weekend. I know where things are, it is still pretty much the same. It is really kind of fun to be that at home somewhere. Yes, I am at home in Ephraim, but Ephraim is so much smaller than Kerrville. To be this at home in a place this size it quite interesting. After today, I am wondering if this is where we should retire. Since that is years and years from now, I am not even sure why I am fretting about it. But the ward would need us, the temple could us and the climate is pleasant. What more could you want. Plus I would at least be by my Pfiester family.

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