Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Grandson Noah

My grandson Noah does not walk. He leaps, he runs, he jumps - he flys, but I have yet to see him walk. Where there are steps, he has to see how many he can jump down. His parents just put a staircase to the next level. We brought the boys 'parachute men' to drop from the balcony. Every time Noah goes up those stairs he wants to jump from a higher one to the floor. His father stops him EVERY time and tells him not more than three. I hadn't really thought about it until yesterday when Noah said, "Wouldn't it be cool to jump from here to the couch!" to their friend Sam. I am not sure their parents heard but last night Carl said to Carianne, "I dread the day one of them decides to jump (or accidentally fall) from that balcony 14 feet to the Living Room." Let's hope it doesn't happen.
The other thing about Noah is that he does not get impatient or flustered. For a 4-year-old that is an amazing quality. He was playing Star Wars Lego WII yesterday and people were walking, sitting amd standing in front of his sight range. He would just move and keep on going. Most little guys would get frustrated and even throw a fit. Not Noah, you didn't even know he was still playing , except the TV was on - by the way he was acting and for the intense look on his face. I find that amazing. But then we have pretty amazing grandchildren
Last night after the kids were supposed to be in bed, Noah came bouncing out announcing that he had to kiss everyone. He already had but his mother said he could again. I am not sure he is 100% human. But I know there are not any kangaroos around here. Maybe he is part jack rabbit. No wonder people and peers enjoy being around him when he 'bounces' through life not only physically but mentally too.


pambelina said...

Has he gotten into bed with you yet? Careful, he toots when he sleeps!

GRK_MMM said...

From what I have seen and heard, he reminds me of Both Adam and Gordon. One time right out of the bath gordon was on all 4's hopping down the hall. I suggested pj's, he replied that Frogs don't wear them. They both used to jump down the stairs. Adam would jump and then roll upon landing, so it looked like he had fallen. Whatakid. We had a t shirt that said that at one time.
Sounds like you are having a great vacation. We go up to my parents today, haven' seen them since the end of January.