Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book Review Tuesday and Happy Day #6

What makes me happy today is books and my Kindle. I love to read! Give me something to read and I am usually quite content. Give me a mystery and I will not put it down until I have found out the end. I even dream about my books so happy day #6 is Books and reading for me.

My book review today is a book that I downloaded for free. I was looking for books from the turn of the century on Gutenberg (one of my 'free' websites) and this popped up when I typed in children's fantasy. I assumed that we were talking about the turn of the 20th century not the turn of the 21st century. It reads somewhat like an early 20th century book but I got into very quickly - my first clue it was a modern book. I went to download the next book in Naomi Novik's series and suddenly we were paying more than full price! So I went to the library for the next two books. I highly recommend "His Majesty's Dragon" It is beautifully written about a very intelligent dragon that is flown and taken care of by a former naval captain. This all takes place during the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. It was a fun break for me from my 'Cat Who.." mysteries that I am still reading and "The Scarlet Pimpernel" books that I am still reading. (when authors have 15-25 books to their credit - it takes a while to get through the books, especially when you read things in between. You have to break up these books because the plots are starting to run together).
Another thing that makes me ecstatic today is that I am 14 1/2 inches smaller than one month ago and 3 1/2 pounds lighter than last week. I am astonished about the weight loss because we had a breakfast for the Faith in God for Girls (Thank you for the Yummy Crockpot Breakfast Casserole 'Davis/Morgan Family!); a Barbecue for the Seminary Students (with Bubba's Texas shaped hamburgers - delicious!) and a huge luncheon for the military students Sunday - with lots of leftovers of the wrong type. I was able to get rid of most of them. I had made Blondies and Wheaten Road Cake for the Seminary Dinner and they kept coming home (for those of you that don't know what Wheaten Road Caket is - it is brownies, with marshmallows melted onto the brownies and lightly toasted under the broiler and then frosted with very chocolate frosting. YUMMY!) How I dodged not eating my most favorite desserts, doughnuts or a dozen other things this weekend is a miracle. Thank Heaven other things needed my attention more than hovering around the food table.


Heidi Noel said...

I want to crockpot recipe.
Andy enjoys that series of books. He thought it was only going to be a trilogy, it now has 6 books I think.

Grandma Bailey said...

That's interesting because as I have been reading them I have been thinking - Andy would love this!