Monday, November 3, 2008

My Heroes - The Mello Family

I was going to wait and do Jennifer closer to her birthday - which is December - but decided it just cannot wait any longer. Since we first moved here Jennifer and her two sons' Cody and Devon have been and important part of our 'Newport' family. Cody and Devon have been very close to us and Jennifer has been a very good friend. The first Christmas we were here she invited us over to her house and there we were able to really get to know her husband and boys father, Dana. He is now truly one of our favorite people in the area. The thing about the Mello family is they are there to help you when you don't even think they are aware of the need. When we first moved here Jennifer was the Primary President. When Clyde was made bishop it didn't take him long to call her to be the Relief Society President. She thought she was exempt because her husband isn't a member of the Church. Thank Heavens' that is not the case because she has become Clyde's third counselor. Jennifer knows more about what is happening in the ward than I think Clyde does. She gets into people's homes in a way that he never could. She is truly amazing.

Dana is a wonderful father and husband. He is also an incredible chef! He make some of the best jambalaya that I have ever eaten! On the other hand anything Dana cooks and brings to a ward function is usually the first thing gone because it is always the best tasting thing there. He is currently one of the Boy Scout leaders for his son's troop. Dana is a friend that I am so grateful to have made here in Newport.

Cody and Devon are a cross between sons and grandsons I guess. Clyde and I both love them dearly. They are some of the neatest young men you will ever come across. Cody is 15 and Devon is 13. Cody and I have kind of handshake tussle thing that we do every Sunday but Devon and I hug each other every Sunday and tell each other we love each other. We have for 5+ years. I wasn't going to hug him the first Sunday I came back from my surgery because Devon had hurt his collar bone. He grabbed me and gave me a one armed hug and told me he loved me and had missed me. It doesn't get much better than that. These young men are going to grow up to be some of the greatest men I will ever have the privilege of ever meeting one day. Mark my words.

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