Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Heroes

On December 18th Chad Jenks leaves the area. It will make me very sad. I guess I have adopted him in a long line of 'sons' that I have picked up through the ages. I am really going to miss him. I have worried about him, laughed with him and listened to his beautiful organ and piano music as he has studied law at Roger Williams University for the last 2 1/2 years. Now he is graduating, early I might add after attending school year around. He has finally decided to settle in Boise, Idaho. Because he is single and 30, he is hoping that out West he will find the woman of his dreams. I do too, he deserves that. He has been so busy concentrating on his mission, his bachelor's and Master's degree in music (his emphasis is organ) and now his double degree in law and an MBA he has put his dating life on the back burner. Plus there really hasn't been anyone to date here. He has tried having long-distance relationships but they have all fizzled. I hope and pray 'she' appears soon after he is settled in Idaho. He deserves it.

My other hero turned 1 on Saturday. Why would Kaitlin be my heros? Because last year she started in this life at just over 3 pound! They had to take her by C-section so that her mother would survive. But it has turned out that Kaitlin is one strong willed little girl. Most preemies are 'slow' to devlelop. I bet if we put her next to our grandson Luke (who will be one at the end of the month) the two of them would be pretty close. Kaitlin is far ahead of the babies born in January (when she was due). She walks, she is trying to form words and she is very opinionated. She has become the whole wards 'baby' because we were all fasting and praying so hard for her for so long. Obviously prayers are answered. David and Trish are incredible parents to this little girl but she did 99% of it on her own. These may be two odd heroes but heroes come in all shapes, sizes and ages.

On an incredibly exciting note, after I don't know how many years, I got to see Elise Cannon! She and her friend (my friend too because of her parents) Jessica Smith came to our ward for Sacrament Meeting. To make it even better it was the Primary Program so Clyde and I were able to sit by them! We had so much fun. Hopefully next time our visit will be longer but just the hour and a half we spent together yesterday was wonderful. I love seeing Jessica anytime. To see Elise again was just beyond words!

1 comment:

Cari said...

How neat to see Elise! I'd love to catch up with her again, as well. Miss you!