Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Flip of the Coin

Everyone that knows me knows that I am pro-life. I still get melancholy this time of year because our first child would have been born now. My miscarriage was at over 4 months so this would have been our son. It is always a hard time of the year for me. But that is not what I want to write about. I was talking to my physical therapist one of the last weeks that I was there. His wife had a miscarriage last year and on the date that the baby should have been born she received a card from a pro-life group saying "If you hadn't chosen to abort this baby - you would be holding a living child in your arms today." Because the medical records had used the medical term abort and the DR had neglected to put 'natural' in front of her miscarriage, Joe's wife received a letter that devastated her. She still is having a hard time recovering from this because she ended up having surgery and they will not be having anymore children naturally. How cruel was tha? All because someone invaded private medical records and misconstrued information. To me - these people are just as bad for the mental cruelty they have inflicted as the pro-abortion people have inflicted on others. I have meant to write about this for some time but I have had so many people call me today and tell me how wonderful pro-life people are. Just because you are pro-life doesn't make you a nice person - obviously.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Cruel people are everywhere. To make a moral choice about right or wrong based on someones actions is wrong. There is one compass, and one judge.