Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just a thought

Life has not been a bucket of laughs the last few weeks in our family.  Clyde has had some worries in the ward, our daughters have had physical and emotional upsets the last few weeks that are worrisome - in other words - when it rains it pours.  The woman that owns the place where I work out has become one of my best friends.  She too has had  some really  rough stuff in her life lately.  Her biggest worry is her husband was just diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's because of Lupus.  His Lupus has also caused him to have strokes and other problems - in other words he is on the same slippery slope my mother was on her last 10 years.  The owner knows I have been worried but not exactly why.  The other day as we visited another person I workout with, handed me this prayer.  It is called 'Prayer of a Breton' and it is: "Lord, the sea is so wide and my boat is so small!  Be with me."  For some reason as I read this, it put my life in perspective and I realized I hadn't been relying on the Lord enough.  He wants me too.  Lesson learned.

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