Thursday, October 29, 2009

This, That and Other Things

I was watching the news this morning and now I am a little miffed. Our state legislature is trying to shorten the official name of the state. Currently our claim to fame is that we are the smallest state with the longest name - Rhode Island the Providence Plantation. The state legislature has decided that Providence Plantation sounds like a racial slur and is insulting to our current administration (but this issue pops up every time they meet!). We never did have a problem with slavery here like they did in the Old South with Black Slaves. The problem here went way into the this century with White Slavery and Child Labor laws because of the textile mills but that is a different issue all together. What I can't understand is that Rhode Island flips spots between Michigan and Nevada as the top 3 highest unemployed states with the highest deficits and we are worried about changing our name! Isn't there something better they can do with their time?

On the up side I had the most fun dream the other night. We could actually 'beam' ourselves to wherever we wanted to be like in 'Star Trek'! Marcus needed me for something and so I beamed myself over to their house. Anneke was so delighted to see me and said, "I am so glad you e-mailed yourself over here! I just really needed to talk to you! This is like having my own fairy grandmother!" Feeling their arms around me even in a dream was wonderful! I haven't seen them for almost 2 years - it will be 2 years when we do. I am so excited to visit them in January for Marcus' baptism. If only someone would figure out how to 'email' us from place to place. I would be one happy grandma!

I am so thankful for my amazing grandchildren. They are the light of my life and I cannot believe how lucky I am to be so blessed to have them be a part of mine.

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