Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not a Happy Camper!

Today has been a miserable dreary rainy day. We have had gale force winds and it has rained hard all day. ON the plus side it was our Primary Program and Clyde and I had the wonderful opportunity of tending/playing with Sophie Childs during the Program. She was as entertaining as the program! We love Grace and Sophie so much. What a joy they are in our lives. They make up for no grandchildren close by. Immediately after Sunday School we headed for the Temple Devotional and it was wonderfully spiritual. President Robert S. Wood, formerly of the Seventy will be our Temple President, along with his wife, Sister Dixie Wood, starting November 1. Their presidency was announced and introduced and we heard the good-bye remarks of President and Sister Hutchins, the Zoglio's and the Sutton's. It was well worth the heatwrenching drive to Boston for the devotional. Clyde and I were debating about staying for refreshments, when looked outside and SAW SNOW! We decided that we had better make tracks for home. It was white knuckle driving all the way home! In fact at one point a car was trying to get onto the highway and suddenly bounced over the median, spun around and ended up facing traffic. If there hadn't been a lull in the traffic right then, we would have hit it - head on! fortunately we were being blessed and the there was no accident. The other car was not damaged and was able to drive to the side (I am sure to compose themselves before heading into the traffic again). The rest of the trip was relatively un-eventful except for the snow changing to blinding rain when we got closer to Rhode Island.

There is 'wives' tale' in New England that says when the snow flies in November or December, the day of the month it falls is how many storms you will have. Surprisingly it is quite accurate but unfortunately the snow usually starts to fally about the 21st of November! No one knows what to make of snow falling in October because it doesn't happen this way. So we will see what this winter does. I love it when I hear about 'Global Warming'. The other day I heard a meterologist from Pennsylvania say, "We have had no Spring, no summer and now no Fall. No one can tell me that Global Warming is at work no matter how hard they try." FYI - Global Warming is no longer the phrase to use - it now 'Global Climate Change'. That way they can cover themselves for whatever.

Things I am thankful for: The Boston Temple, a fairly new car (our new car is 1 year old this week), Heavenly Father's blessing us with safe travel, warm pajamas and Primary Children.

1 comment:

Elise said...

That does not sound like fun at ALL!! My roommate asked if we could turn the heater on the other day...I finally gave in, but did admit that I had been holding out on principle- it's OCTOBER!! I'm not ready for heaters and winter, and freezing weather.

I saw snow too- and had to drive in it! YUCK- all the way up to upstate NY last week. So glad it didn't stick! Maybe we can enjoy the fall a little longer :)