Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Wednesday Letters

I usually write my book review on Tuesday but I couldn't resist the pun. The book I wanted to write about this week is 'The Wednesday Letters" by Jason F. Wright. Heidi gave it to me for Christmas - so I knew it was good. I started reading it Christmas Day and had it finished the next morning. It is a beautiful story and not at all what I expected. I thought it would be like Daddy Longlegs where it is a series of letters. It is not. It is about discovering the letters and then how much they meant to the person that had received them and the people that discovered them. It is definitely a must read.

I re-read the Tale of Despereaux after seeing the movie. I understand why the movie was changed because what reads well in a book does not translate well to the screen. There is a lot of wandering in the book where there is not time for that on the screen. I like the interpretation of the movie. It was definitely made to be a 'G' rated movie and even the book would have been 'PG' - which is not bad but they were obviously going for the milder rating. Hurray for them! I know I am a little nutty but I am a big advocate of supporting 'G' rated movies. They are too few and far between. My fear is one day they will be extinct!

1 comment:

Jason Wright said...

So glad you enjoyed it. Loved your "Wednesday Review" :)